What a day!
The ARPAS-UK AGM & Annual Conference was held on a glorious spring day. We had a strong turnout and great speakers. BT’s Headquarters provided an excellent venue, and we thank them for allowing us to be there.
Networking is an important part of such events and the ARPAS-UK Team had factored this in to ensure that Members and speakers had sufficient time to (re)connect before the AGM, during lunch, the afternoon break and after the Annual Conference.
In the AGM, two new directors were elected: Sarah Lay and David Thurston. We are delighted to welcome them on board. In addition, Graham Brown and Anne-Lise Scaillierez both stepped down as Directors per rotation and were re-elected. In all cases, the voting was unanimously positive. A record of these resolutions has been made.

The Annual Conference:
The presentations are best viewed as videos and can be found below (click on the Presentation title). We thank the speakers for their time and expertise. We much appreciate their participation in our event.
The ARPAS-UK Kick Off Presentation
- Graham Brown, Chair of ARPAS-UK
- Anne-Lise Scaillierez, CEO of ARPAS-UK
- Elena Major, Ops & Membership ARPAS-UK
The Future of Flight Action Plan Update
- Jenny Ward, Deputy Director for the Future of Aviation at the Department of Transport (DfT)
- Kevin Woolsey, Head of RPAS Systems at the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA)
- Callum Holland, RPAS Sector Lead: Application at the CAA
Mobile Network as BVLOS Enabler
- Dave Pankhurst, Director of Drones BT
- Ed Hunter, Senior Product Manager: Drone Solutions at BT
OSC Success Stories: Quantification of ground risk for Overflight; flying 30 km BVLOS
- Rowley Cory-Wright, Director at HEXCAM
Members’ Panel: sharing their stories and operational experiences
- Andrew Richman, project Manager in Geomatics at the Environment Agency
- Adrian Wilkinson, Managing Director at Land & Minerals Consulting, drone operator and chartered geologist.
- Rebecca Jones, CEO, Iprosurv, RAE
- Rupert Dent, Managing Director, Bridgeway Aerial, Operator
Photos of the day