ARPAS-UK Member News
Drones in Action - Flood Management - ARPAS-UK - RUAS - EA

Drones in Action: Flood Management

Drones in Action End User Stories: The Environment Agency (EA) operates a 24/7 drone response service, providing live-streamed footage within six hours of an incident to support flood monitoring and emergency response. With the increasing impact of flooding in the UK, real-time data is essential for decision-making.

UK Drone Class Marking

Excellent Milestone: Drone Class Marking introduced in the UK.

From 1 January 2026, drones operating in the Open Category – which covers low-risk drone flights and leisure activities – will be subject to product standards under a framework known as ‘Class Marking’, improving the safety and security of the sector. The current transition period for the Open category is due to expire on 1…


Drone Related Jobs as at 24 March 2025

Disclaimer: All jobs posted here are from LinkedIn and other job sites including member and non-member organizations. Drone related jobs. Skyfarer have multiple roles to fill: Data Analyst, Compliance Assistant, Mechatronics & Software Engineer, Commercial Pilot (Flexi) & Commercial Visual Observer (Flexi). View here. are looking to recruit a Senior Technician – Drone Operations….

orthomosaic maps

Orthomosaic Maps for Construction Sites explained by Carrot Drone Services

Drones are fast becoming an important asset in the construction and building industry. Using orthomosaic maps significant time and money can be saved on all sizes of projects. This article will explain what an orthomosaic map is, what it can be used for and the advantages of using drones to create orthomosaic maps for your…

AutoSpray Systems

AutoSpray Systems Secures CAA Approval for BVLOS Agricultural Drone Operations

ARPAS-UK Member, AutoSpray Systems is proud to announce that they have obtained an Operational Authorisation from the UK Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) (received on 11th March 2025) to conduct Beyond Visual Line of Sight (BVLOS) operations in an Atypical Air Environment (AAE). This milestone marks a significant advancement in agricultural drone applications, unlocking new commercial…

A New Approach to Regulation by the UK Government

The UK government’s policy paper, A New Approach to Ensure Regulators and Regulation Support Growth, presents a strategic plan to reform the regulatory system to encourage economic growth and private sector investment. The document highlights key challenges such as regulatory complexity, burdensome processes, and excessive risk aversion, all of which can hinder innovation and competitiveness….

UK CAA RPAS service charge

ARPAS-UK disappointed by the CAA’s decision to confirm major Service Charge increases

ARPAS-UK is disappointed with the CAA’s decision to proceed with significant increases to the service charges for Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems (RPAS) for 2025/26, despite our calls for moderation and fairness. In our comprehensive response to the CAP3047 consultation in January, we stated that the proposed service charge increases for RPAS operators were significant and…