
Getting closer to urban and BVLOS operations –reflections from recent flight testing at Cardiff and Heathrow airports – WATCH AGAIN

Flare Bright has undertaken several trials under the UKRI Future Flight programme and the Connected Places Catapult Future of Air Mobility Accelerator. This webinar explains some of the learnings from flying its software-enhanced IMUs (giving GPS-free capability and redundancy) in various UK locations; and validating wind measurement predictions using its nanodrone. Flight tests have been…

ARPAS-UK Annual Conference: 2nd March 2023

Date: 2nd March 2023 Location: on-line for non-members Timings: 1-5pm With the CAA General Aviation & RPAS Team attending, presenting & answering Questions too Kevin Woolsey, co-head of the GA & RPAS Team, CAA Mark Wharry, Safety & Oversight Senior Manager, GA & RPAS Team, CAA Callum Holland, Transformation Manager, GA & RPAS Team, CAA Other…

A Guide to Professional Photographic Post-Production Techniques – CPD webinar: WATCH AGAIN

This CPD session will cover how to set up your drone camera initially, the importance of shooting RAW files over jpgs, how to use browsers, colour profiles, colour balance & calibration, exposure levels using histograms, contrast curves, saturation, linear graduation filters for detail in sky, correcting converging verticals, dust removal & saving images as unsharpened…