Future of Flight

The IET Faraday STEM Challenge in Schools

UKRI partner with the Institution of Engineering and Technology The day is run by a team for the IET but we have been approached to see if some volunteers from our drone engineering community can support. There is no pre-training required as much of it is just encouraging the students and helping out with some…

DIAG Minutes: November 2022

The Drone Industry Action Group met on the following dates and the minutes and presentations are available. If you have any questions or would like to attend, please get in touch via membership@arpas.uk 20221120-DIAG-Future Capability Group UK RPAS Ecosystem DIAG Presentation – 18 November 2022

PwC: Drone Perception Study Feedback Requested

Earlier this year PwC released an updated economic report (Skies Without Limits v2.0) looking at the potential economic impact of drones on the UK economy by 2030. The report identifies some barriers that may impact UK drone adoption and one of these is the industry perception of drones. To understand this in more detail, PwC…

Altitude Angel and Saab to partner on Digital Tower technology

In a joint announcement made on 5th December 2022, Altitude Angel and Saab have revealed they have formed a partnership that will see Altitude Angel’s market-leading UTM technology platform integrated as part of Saab’s Digital Tower (r-TWR) offering.  Saab’s r-TWR is a next-generation Digital Tower solution, which builds on proven Saab video processing, visual presentation, and automation…

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EU Drone Strategy 2.0: “Innovative Aerial Services”, not drones.

The European Commission issued its Drone Strategy 2.0 for a Smart and Sustainable Unmanned Aircraft Eco-System in Europe. The report is available following this link. It gives a good idea of what is still needed to reach a thriving drone/RPAS/eVTOL market. Below are some take-aways.   Market size: €14.5 billion by 2030 “With the right…

Next steps for drone regulation and use in the UK: 31 Jan 2023

with Stuart Lindsay, Head, Airspace Modernisation, Civil Aviation Authority Kevin Woolsey, Co-Head, General Aviation and Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems, Civil Aviation Authority and Councillor Keith Artus, Chairman, Strategic Aviation Special Interest Group (SASIG); Helen Hearn, Director, Spectrum Policy, Ofcom; Dr Ruth Mallors-Ray, Director, RMR Consultants; John McKenna, CEO, sees.ai; Nicholas Paines KC, Commissioner for Public Law, Law Commission; Andrew Sage, Director, Safety…

Projects selected for the Regulators’ Pioneer Fund 2022

The Regulators’ Pioneer Fund selects 24 Project with a value of £12million. ARPAS-UK is delighted to see that a number of members have been successful with the projects. Details of those projects involving drones, or with connections to the drone industry are listed below. Project led by Argyll and Bute Council Project name: West Coast…