Other ARPAS-UK Posts

MOD Defence Drone Strategy

The return of war to Europe has demonstrated the essential requirement for a resilient, robust and agile approach to Defence procurement. The Integrated Review Refresh and Defence Command Paper recognise this challenge and underline the importance of overhauling our acquisition system to ensure operational advantage. The conflict in Ukraine has become a very visible representation…

Women in Aviation & Aerospace Charter

With International Women’s Day – 8 March 2024 – on the horizon, we thought this a good opportunity to remind our members and the wider drone industry of who and what the Women in Aviation and Aerospace Charter is. The Charter was founded in 2018 at the Farnborough International Airshow with over 200 companies committing…

Department for Transport

DfT Aviation Ambassadors Announced 2024-26

The Aviation Ambassadors Group works with the Department for Transport to help deliver a skilled, diverse and sustainable aviation workforce fit to seize the opportunities of the future. This newly announced cohort will be in action for the next two years, rather than one year, as previously. The group helps meet the goals of the Generation…


CHIRP UAS/Drone Feedback Edition 9

Sometimes it’s easy to get absorbed in the task and lose sight of what’s around Welcome to Drone FEEDBACK Edition 9. Winter is upon us. Whilst the period since our last meeting in July has offered some ideal weather for Drone-based data scanning, as well as Drone transport trials, the winter months will provide some…

Emergency Drone Responder: Issue 6

In this issue EDR offers a wide variety of excellent articles that support EDR’s mission to promote the worldwide sharing of knowledge… They would like to thank The British Transport Police, Vendelin Clicques, DroneSense, The I.E.D.O, Excelerate Group, Dr Anna Jackman, JOUAV, Heliguy™, Venari, DroneControl, Smith Myers, Andrew Black and Scott Mlakar for their invaluable…

Department for Transport

New Aviation Minister: Anthony Browne MP

Anthony Browne MP replaced Baroness Vere on 13th November. His constituency in South Cambridgeshire is under the Luton flight path and his experience to date with aviation is as a customer. He will be responsible for: We look forward to engaging with Anthony Browne MP on behalf of our members and the wider drone industry….

EGU selects interdiscliplinary drone session for next conference

The European Geosciences Union (EGU) has accepted a topic of “Drones and their role in addressing the United Nations’ (UN) Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)” as an interdisciplinary session for the next conference in Vienna, Austria. This promises to be a really diverse session to bring together everyone who is engaging drone technologies across the geosciences…

Post DroneX Summary

What a show DroneX Tradeshow & Conference was this year. I’ve never had a show where the only break over the two days was 20 minutes due to how busy we were. It was great to see so many current members, returning members, new members and meet others with whom to collaborate to take the industry forwards….

Emergency Drone Responder Magazine #5 Issue

In this issue there is a wide variety of excellent articles that are instrumental in advancing EDR’s mission to promote the worldwide sharing of knowledge. The magazine would like to thank The West Midlands Police Drone team, Excelerate Technology Group, Scott Mlakar, Rich Gatanis, Martin Hawley, Christophe Parisot, heliguy™, DRONERESPONDERS, C.E.R.R.A and DroneSense for their…

ARPAS-UK featured on Travel News Update

Travel News Update, recently published an insightful article shedding light on ARPAS-UK, the renowned drone community trade association. The article delves into the association’s founding, objectives, and the crucial role it plays in supporting and promoting innovation and best practices within the drone industry. With a focus on collaboration, ARPAS-UK’s partnerships with industry regulators and…