Regulations – news repository

Atypical Air Environment Policy Announcement: CAP 3040

The CAA has today, 15 October 2024, announced CAP3040: Unmanned Aircraft Operations in an Atypical Air Environment: Policy Concept. It will enable drones to fly beyond the visual line of sight (BVLOS) of remote pilots using ‘atypical air environments’. This new policy marks a significant milestone for the future of drone operations for use in…

CAA - Civil Aviation Authority

CAA BVLOS Roadmap Launched at DroneX 2024

Scalable Beyond Visual Line of Sight Operations Over the coming months and years, the CAA is working to address the remaining regulatory challenges that will enable authorised operators to operate Beyond Visual Line of Sight (BVLOS) in a scaled, sustainable way. Note from ARPAS-UK: The next immediate step will be the publication of the atypical…

CAP2606 A

Is CAP2606 A, the PDRA01 logbook template, mandatory or optional?

Source: written exchange with CAA representative, July 2024 The logbook template provided in CAP2606 A is optional as long as operators continue to fulfil their obligations as per UK Reg (EU) 2019/947 UAS.SPEC.050. Q: Among the 53 entries, can you specify which information is specifically required by the regulations in the flight log? In another…

UK BVLOS flight trials

CAA announced the 6 new projects selected for BVLOS drone flight trials in the UK

Six projects have been selected for trials under a new UK Civil Aviation Authority scheme that will test drone use in deliveries, inspections of infrastructure, emergency services and flights to remote locations. The regulator has chosen the trials to take place that will help safely integrate drones flying beyond visual line of sight (BVLOS) of…

Tips: CAP2606 PDRA01 Ops Manual template is a proposed AMC, is it mandatory or optional?

Source: written exchange with CAA representative, July 2024 CAP2606 is a suggested format for a PDRA01 Operations Manual Template, but optional, the CAA do suggest operators use the provided template as it provides Operators with an easy-to-use method of complying with the regulations set out in CAP722H. Q: Can operators continue to use and update…



The CAA has launched its consultation on the proposed RAE(F) and SAIL Mark Policy, for UAS in the Specific Category. These policy proposals are linked to the UK SORA, which is also under consultation, here. This consultation forms part of the UK Civil Aviation Authority’s (CAA) ongoing work to enable Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) to operate in…


Test Site Requirements for Aviation Innovators: KEY FINDINGS of CAA Consultation

The United Kingdom Civil Aviation Authority is looking to facilitate the development of safe and useful RPAS and AAM test sites, where market entrants can test and evaluate their products. This document is the summary of the key findings of the consultation exercise conducted to understand innovators’ key requirements of test facilities for their novel…