
CAA: CAP722G Released

CAP722G: Unmanned Aircraft System Operations in UK Airspace – Specific Category UAS Modification Policy The aim is to allow certain technical changes to be made to the UAS during the validity period of an Operational Authorisation, without the need to apply to the CAA for a variation in the OA. It is intended specifically for…


CAA Update at the ARPAS-UK Annual Conference 2024

Kevin Woolsey and Callum Holland joined the ARPAS-UK Team and Members at their Annual Conference to provide an update on CAA activities. The presentation was followed by Q&A. Any questions not answered in the session have been forwarded to Kevin and Callum for response. The Presentation:


NATMAC 95: 11 April 2024

Rupert Dent attended on behalf of ARPAS-UK to ensure the Drone Industry is kept up to date and has an opportunity for their voice and opinion to be hear. Presentations included: 12 April 2024

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~ 2800 PDRA01 Holders + ~ 100 OSC holders in the Specific Category

Until DISCO is in place, the CAA’s Shared Services are in charge of processing the PDRA01 within the CAA. Based on their database, we can assess that there were 2838 PDRA01 holders in CY 2023, vs 3515 in CY2012. The numbers for the early months of 2024 tend to indicate a continued attrition rather than…


Our response to the CAA’s Remote Pilot Competence Consultation due 14 March 2024

We welcome the concept of having incremental levels of Remote Pilot Competence as more complex operations become routine. The definition of BVLOS is not included. It would be useful to do so. # RPC Level 1: There is little/no? difference in the privileges with the GVC. Therefore, it should just be acknowledged that it would…

Responses to Consultations 27/02/2024

In this enlightening interview, Elena Major, Head of Operations at ARPAS-UK, talks with CEO Anne-Lise Scaillierez about the recent drone regulation consultation, focusing on key takeaways like the CAA’s DISCO initiative for digitalisation, the SORA safety methodology, and the integration of CAP-722 for Unmanned Aircraft System operations. This discussion delves into the future of drone…


CAA DISCO webpage

In previous consultations, we had advocated (among others)  for a  clearly sign-posted website to get information, and the use of modern ways to communicate. Here are a couple of new useful communications pages you should keep an eye on: 22 February 2024


New Digital PDRA01 Application Tool Live in March!

The CAA aims to launch the new Digital PDRA01 Application Tool at the beginning of March.  The aim is to simplify the PDRA01 application and renewal process, and to make it online.The key expected benefit is that applying for an OA will be made easy and quick. The review and approval process will also be automated…