
CAA: Airspace Change Process Consultation CAP1616

The CAA has launched a consultation on proposals to modify the guidance on the regulatory process for airspace change, known as CAP1616.   On first publication in 2018, the CAA committed to review the CAP1616 process three years after its implementation. The review gives the CAA the opportunity to reflect on the lessons learned and…


Amended CAP722 9th edition

The CAA issued on December 22 an amended version of its earlier CAP 722: Unmanned Aircraft System Operations in UK Airspace – Guidance. To access the document on the CAA website, click here. We will review and comment the CAP722 series in our membership engagement activities.

Ofcom: Results of Consultation on Spectrum & Licensing for UAS

In June 2022, Ofcom launched a consultation to look at the spectrum that UAS use. 26 individuals and organisations, including ARPAS-UK, responded to the Ofcom Consultation. One of the main issues behind the need for the consultation was that for many years Ofcom have authorised the use of radio equipment on model aircraft and drones…


CHIRP FEEDBACK 6: December 2022

Even if the perception of Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems (RPAS) is that they are becoming more autonomous, people are still a key part of the system and ensuring they are taking account of Human Factors implications and feel they are working in a Just Culture is essential. FEEDBACK is CHIRP’s regular publication that seeks to…


CAA Updates to CAP722 and AMC & GM

ARPAS-UK Comment: There is a lot to read here. We will do so and come back to you in due course. The important part is making sure you read this too! The CAA has published a decision introducing new Acceptable Means of Compliance (AMC) and Guidance Material (GM) for UK Regulation (EU) 2019/947 (ORS9 No…

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EU Drone Strategy 2.0: “Innovative Aerial Services”, not drones.

The European Commission issued its Drone Strategy 2.0 for a Smart and Sustainable Unmanned Aircraft Eco-System in Europe. The report is available following this link. It gives a good idea of what is still needed to reach a thriving drone/RPAS/eVTOL market. Below are some take-aways.   Market size: €14.5 billion by 2030 “With the right…


CAP2012: Open Category Recap Table

CAP2012: Open Category recap table The CAA updated CAP2012 following the extension of the transition period to 2026.  To view the CAP2012 full document on the CAA publication website, click HERE.  Below is the core table in CAP2012 published on 2 December 2022.