UAV Operator Insurance

Drone Insurance

Regulation EC 785/2004 applies to everybody in the aviation industry, and it sets the minimum insurance requirements for air carriers and aircraft operators. It applies to commercial drone operators too. This requirement also applies if the commercial operation is conducted in the Open category.

Reversely, recreational operations do not legally require drone insurance. However, our strong recommendation is to ensure you are covered for your drone activities, either with a dedicated drone insurance, or through your third party-insurance (in which case, do make sure drone flying is indeed covered). 

Other types of insurance

ARPAS-UK believes it is in the interest of all Members, Operators and Stakeholders within this industry to hold suitable and valid insurance for their operations. All ARPAS-UK members are required to hold Public Liability insurance as a minimum.

ARPAS-UK recognises that in a developing industry, there can be confusion in ensuring that you hold sufficient insurance and legal cover. As such the Association has been in consultation with a number of key insurance providers to better assess their cover and capability.

Key considerations when choosing your policy:

  • Employee Liability Cover – If your company employs persons to undertake work it is a legal requirement to hold valid insurance for their work.
  • Professional Indemnity – If you provide data and expertise upon which a client relies to undertake or commission work it is advisable to purchase cover against errors and miscalculations.
  • Hull Loss Cover – This is an aviation specialty which covers the value of the aircraft whilst in operation. This is of particular interest when operating high value payloads and over unrecoverable terrain.
  • Goods in Transit Cover – Most policies do not cover the transport of equipment and goods – travelling by air requires such a product.
  • Overseas Cover – Extension of Insurance cover for your business practices outside of the UK.
  • High-risk Environment Cover – Operations in high value and high risk environments often require careful negotiation. Many applications for SUA are within such sensitive and valuable areas.

Meet our Insurance Members

Cover Drone

FlyCovered Drone Insurance

Moonrock Drone Insurance