- Assessment of issues facing ecologists and how UAVs can assist.
- Use case examples: invasive species mapping, peatland restoration, forestry in the context of new planting assessments, complex building assessments for bats
- Plus general day-to-day use of aerial imagery for improved services across the board
Speaker Info:

James has over 15 years ecological experience working within both the academic and consultancy sectors working on a wide range of research and development projects requiring high quality ecological surveys. His skills focus on protected species surveys, Ecological Impact Assessments, Ecological Clerk of Works and GIS.
Tracks Ecology also offers a variety of aerial imagery, surveying and videography services through the use of professional grade unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs).
As a CAA qualified pilot operating under a Permit for Commercial Operation with full insurance, we can service a variety of aerial survey needs while working within the ARPAS-UK Code of Conduct.
James works within the CIEEM Code of Conduct and produces clear and concise reports suitable for a wide array of clients, which provide unbiased advice through a strong evidence-based approach. The CIEEM is The Chartered Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management, which promotes the highest standards of practice for the benefit of nature and society.