Is CAP2606 A, the PDRA01 logbook template, mandatory or optional?

Source: written exchange with CAA representative, July 2024

The logbook template provided in CAP2606 A is optional as long as operators continue to fulfil their obligations as per UK Reg (EU) 2019/947 UAS.SPEC.050.

Q: Among the 53 entries, can you specify which information is specifically required by the regulations in the flight log? In another log or records, like the flight preparation checklists, as part of the Operator’s obligation of record keeping? or is optional/not specifically required by the regulation?

Many of the 53 entries will be duplicated flight on flight, with a far smaller amount requiring specific entries. The information required will vary from Operator to Operator and flight to flight, hence, very difficult to provide further clarification.

Q: Many operators now use alternative digital means to capture flight data and records, such as Dronedesk, or Flight Reader, AirData, or Screencastomatic – much less time consuming than an excel sheet and in the end more transparent. Can you confirm these will be acceptable as a Means of Compliance?

The CAA teams are not currently able to integrate with other digital systems. However, they are aware that many will permit the export of data into a format that is currently acceptable for the CAA.

Did you read as well our article about CAP2606, the Operations manual template? Click here to read it.