ARPAS-UK Media and Social Media Policy

1.    Background and Rationale for ARPAS-UK Media and Social Media Policy

Social media can be defined as any form of electronic communication or application that enables users to create online communities and share knowledge, opinions, media, and private and public messages.

ARPAS-UK uses several social media platforms, including the website, LinkedIn, Twitter, YouTube and Facebook, as well as other general media. Our approach is to use our social media platforms as community communication platforms where:

  • the ARPAS-UK team shares the organization’s own news and updates with its members,
  • members can exchange advice among themselves,
  • while following ARPAS-UK code of conduct and core values: safety, professionalism, respect.

ARPAS-UK has developed over the years a broad community of followers on social media, beyond its membership base, which is a great asset supporting the organisation’s thought leadership in the ecosystem. At the same time, we recognize the limits and risks of social media, and how it can affect our company’s and our members’ brand, public image, and core values. In severe instances, some comments can be construed as bullying, defamatory or discriminatory, and can create a legal liability to members, or the organisation.

ARPAS-UK encourages the responsible use of social and other media for the benefit of all members, and the purpose of this policy is therefore to set out what ARPAS-UK expects from itself and its members in this regard.

2.    Guidelines for Posting and Commenting in ARPAS-UK Social Media Channels and Other Media

  • Discussion and comment in all ARPAS-UK social media channels and other media is intended to be to the benefit of all members. Members should ensure all postings should have this as a basis.
  • When posting advice or information, members should ideally clarify whether they are referring to a personal view or a definitive fact. Use of phrases such as “in my experience / view”, “other members have found that” or “as published in” can be helpful in this regard.
  • Members acting on advice received from social media channels or other media should bear the above in mind.
  • Members must not post disparaging or defamatory statements about any other ARPAS-UK member or employee, ARPAS-UK stakeholders or affiliates or ARPAS-UK itself.
  • Members must not enter into disputes in ARPAS-UK social media channels or other media.
  • Members should not escalate one-to-one, personal issues or grievances.
  • Offensive or antagonistic language must not be used in ARPAS-UK social media channels or other media.
  • Members and employees should also avoid communications that might be misconstrued.
  • Responding to and commenting on social media channels and other media can be instant, and can encourage knee-jerk reaction. Members should consider all posts, including comments and Facebook reactions, before submitting them. 

3.    What if you disagree with an ARPAS-UK’s position or post? Or request a response from the organisation?

If you disagree with a position posted by the organisation, or are not satisfied with comments made, rather than initiate a hot online debate, we’d advise to take it offline. Simply call us or email us, to have a constructive discussion by email, phone, online or virtual private meeting.

Bear in mind that directors are volunteers who agree to provide a minimum time commitment to the organisation.  They will endeavour to respond to member’s questions and comments received by phone or email as quickly as possible and in any event in not more than 4 working days.

4.    Members’ social media postings and other communications for their personal use, or for their own business, other than in the context of ARPAS-UK  

When posting their personal opinions and content on private or professional accounts, we do expect our members to uphold the highest level of respect and exercise good judgment in terms of confidentiality, discrimination and harassment.

Furthermore, we ask all members to:

  • Avoid sharing abusive, offensive, and/or slanderous content;
  • Avoid posting ARPAS-UK intellectual property and confidential company information on their personal or business social media accounts;
  • Refrain from referring to the Association, its activities, its partners or its members, in antagonistic or derogatory terms.

5.    Official representation of ARPAS-UK in meetings and other media

“While acting in your ‘professional persona’ and identifying yourself as an ARPAS-UK representative publicly, consider each and every comment you make as a representation of the ARPAS-UK members’ community and not you as an individual.”

Media other than social media can take any form of external communication such as the press, the radio, television, or simply meetings with external parties.

  • Only designated ARPAS-UK personnel, directors or designated members can officially represent ARPAS-UK and its members’ community in media and external meetings with authorities, partners, and/or third parties.
  • They must have sufficient prior knowledge of ARPAS-UK core values, key positions and subject-matter expertise, as well as basic communication skills, to adequately represent the organisation.

6.    Application, process in case of policy violation

This media and social media policy applies to all ARPAS-UK members, directors and employees.

  • It is explicitly referred to all our members when they join and renew their membership, and it is posted on ARPAS-UK website.
  • Directors and employees sign this policy upon their nomination, and at the beginning of each financial year. Members involved in Special Interest Groups, Working Groups or committees with or on behalf of ARPAS-UK may be asked to sign this policy as well.


ARPAS-UK management team has discretion in removing posts that are deemed not to be in compliance with this policy, and play the role of moderator when required. 

If any members or employees are deemed to be in breach of this policy, the matter will be referred to the elected ARPAS-UK directors, and could result in a member’s access to ARPAS-UK social media channels or other media being withdrawn.

This policy links to all other policies or agreements, such as Policy on Conflict of Interest, employment or confidentiality agreements, and should never be used in a way that breaches any other legal commitments.