Our community of members cover a broad spectrum of organisations within the drone ecosystem, from professionals, start-up businesses to large corporate and public bodies:
- End-Users organisations
- Emergency services, Fire departments, Police forces
- Drone Operators, large and small, up to turnkey providers
- CAA-approved Recognized Assessment Entities, other training organisations
- Individual professional pilots
- Insurance companies, Consulting and other service companies
- Hardware manufacturers (including Original Equipment Manufacturers)
- Operations software, data processing Software (including developers of Uncrewed Traffic Management systems and integrators with ATM)
- Flight Testing centres
- Universities, colleges, institutes
The Association is run by the members, for the members with no conflicting commercial interests.
ARPAS-UK is the only non-commercial professional body, solely representing the drone community in the UK. All income is used to further the interests of the membership and to ensure that the industry remains fair, safe and open.
ARPAS-UK members form an influential community of professionals and organisations committed to the highest professional standards and actively shaping the future of the drone industry.
As well as promoting best practice, the Association also encourages a culture of collaboration and information sharing so that members are better informed and better prepared to make the most from market opportunities. Promoting our members and the standards we set, enables end users to easily identify the best and most appropriate operators to hire for their specific needs.