What a show! The quality of conversations at DroneX 2024 was high with what felt like more attendees than in previous years. We certainly barely stopped, to the extent that the only photo we took of the team at the show was taken at the end of the two days and after we’d packed up!
That includes our new member of staff, Annabel, who was thrown in at the deep end somewhat, having only joined us two weeks ago. However, her background in ROV-supported subsea inspection in the oil and gas industry combined with her natural curiosity about the drone industry are already proving that she will be an asset to ARPAS-UK and our membership. Welcome on board, Annabel!
ARPAS-UK taking part in CAA and DFT Panel
Highlights included the panel discussion moderated by Amanda Smith, Sellafield, with Sophie O’Sullivan, CAA, Vickie Murdy, UKRI, Anne-Lise Scaillierez, ARPAS-UK, and Louisa Smith, Apian, on “Unlocking Drones for UK industry: what can innovators, the regulator and government do to help?”. There was more audience than chairs in the theatre! Anne-Lise had the challenging task of sharing industry concerns

Our Keynote Presentation

Graham Brown, Chair, and Anne-Lise Scaillierez, CEO delivered a keynote address on industry updates and ARPAS-UK activities to support the industry. Their presentation can be accessed in this password protected post – MEMBERS ONLY
Part of the Jury for the AAM Innovation Award
Finally, Anne-Lise had the honour to be a judge together with Nicola Ridd, DfT, and Gary Smith, CAA, for the DroneX Advanced Air Mobility AAM Award. The jury delivered the AAM Award to Inteliports.

In addition, don’t forget to:
- Take the Industry & Membership Survey
- Join us on LinkedIn
- Take the FRZ & TOLA Survey
- Share your Use Case
So good to meet in person!

26 September 2024