SORA v2.5 is now published, and the UK CAA intends to implement a UK version of v2.5.
Let’s walk through a practical example in conversation with Nathanel Apter, who has been advising operators on how to get approvals from the Swiss Federal Office of Civil Aviation using SORA. Nathanel has also been part of the JARUS task force behind v2.5.
Remember that SORA is for the Specific Category.
PDRA01 holders won’t be directly affected because their OA is pre-defined, but non-PDRA01 authorisations, like OSC, will eventually follow UK SORA. Plus: SORA may open opportunities for all in the specific category.
Speakers: Anne-Lise Scaillierez, CEO of ARPAS-UK & Nathanel Apter, UASolutions CEO

Nathanel Apter, UASolutions, CEO & Partner.
Nathanel previously worked for the Digitisation & Innovation Team at the Federal Office of Civil Aviation Switzerland, before founding UASolutions. In addition, he is a Board Member of the Drone Industry Association Switzerland (DIAS) and Member of the JARUS SORA v2.5 Main Body Task Force.
The SORA is a methodology for the classification of the risk posed by a drone flight in the specific category of operations and for the identification of mitigations and of the safety objectives. It helps the operator to identify operational limitations, training objectives for the personnel essential for the operation (e.g remote pilots, observers, maintainers etc..), technical requirements for the drone and to develop the appropriate operational procedures that will be part of the operator manual.
Specific Operations Risk Assessment (SORA) | EASA (