Survey Results: Drone Permissions in FRZ & TOLA from Private Land

Drone Charging Levels & Process Efficiency for permission to operate in FRZ & TOLA from Private Land: Survey Findings. The results of the survey reveal key insights on obtaining permissions for operations from private land.

The survey, conducted online in September 2024, gathered responses from 135 locations across the country, with input from both commercial and recreational drone operators. It aimed to understand the experiences of drone pilots when seeking approval to fly from areas such as aerodromes and private land. The results offer valuable insights into the efficiency, cost, and communication methods involved in the permission process.

The results reveal encouraging findings, indicating that the majority of permission requests are granted within a reasonable timeframe and without any associated fees. Two-thirds of approvals were granted within just three days and a substantial 84% of processes were free of charge. The survey also highlights the preferred methods of communication for obtaining permissions and these findings suggest a generally streamlined and accessible process for drone operators seeking flight approvals.

To gain a more in-depth understanding of the survey findings and their implications, we encourage you to watch the video below. It provides an analysis of the data, explores trends, and offers valuable insights for both drone operators and landowners. It will also look at next steps for ARPAS-UK, including engagement with organisations regarding processes and continued monitoring of charging practices.

The survey itself remains open, allowing the database to expand and provide an even more comprehensive picture of drone flight permissions in the UK. Click on the link at the base of this page to take part.