Delivering excellent public works is critical for the government to deliver the public services that we all rely on. Up to £31 billion of contracts across economic and social infrastructure will be brought to market over the next year, and to meet this ambition we need to develop our approach to delivery.
From building schools, hospitals and prisons, to major infrastructure and the wide range of construction, engineering and other works projects and programmes undertaken by the public sector, we are committed to delivering better, faster and greener solutions that support our recovery from the
COVID-19 pandemic and build the economy of the future while improving building and workplace safety.
The construction sector is key to the UK economy. It contributed £117 billion to the UK economy in 2018 and supports over two million jobs. We will continue to strive for a world-class sector – improving productivity in construction safely, delivering skilled jobs across the country to level–up the economy
and achieving net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050.
This vision will only be achieved by working together and setting out clear requirements to reform the industry. Government leadership is crucial and we need to align our efforts with the sector to ensure actions are consistent and reinforcing.
The update to the Construction Playbook is the result of extensive collaboration from across the public and private sectors to bring together expertise and best practices. It builds on the Infrastructure and Projects Agencies recently published flagship change programme ‘Roadmap to 2030’ and supports
the government’s ambition to transform our infrastructure networks over the next decade and beyond so we can build back better, faster and greener.
I am grateful to all those who contributed and I am delighted to support the updated Construction Playbook.
Chief Operating Officer for the Civil Service and Permanent Secretary for the Cabinet Office

- Pipelines, Portfolios & Longer-Term Contracting
- Modern Methods of Construction
- Early Engagement & Clear Specification
- People & Governance
- Delivery Model Assessments
- Effective Contracting
- Going out to Tender
- Due Diligence during Selection
- Evaluating Bids & Contract Award
- Resolution Planning & Ongoing Monitoring
- Successful Relationships
- Transition to Operation