Tips: CAP2606 PDRA01 Ops Manual template is a proposed AMC, is it mandatory or optional?

Source: written exchange with CAA representative, July 2024

CAP2606 is a suggested format for a PDRA01 Operations Manual Template, but optional, the CAA do suggest operators use the provided template as it provides Operators with an easy-to-use method of complying with the regulations set out in CAP722H.

Q: Can operators continue to use and update their existing PDRA01 Operations Manual, reflecting as need be the CAP2606 recommendations?

Operators can continue to use and update their existing Operations Manual as long as they continue to fulfil their obligations as per UK Reg (EU) 2019/947 UAS.SPEC.050.

Note from ARPAS-UK: CAP2606 Ops Manual template is a proposed means of compliance to the operator’s obligation as per UK Reg (EU) 2019/947 UAS.SPEC.050 “Responsibilities of the UAS operator”. It is comprehensive, and in a way takes the Operator’s professionalism to an “OSC-ready” level since the underlying assumption is the maximum risk level under PDRA01. Many operators likely operate at the other end of the PDRA01 spectrum, where simpler Operations Manual and checklists could be sufficient.

Q: Will the CAA issue a guidance document to highlight the required info for those who will keep their existing Vol1?

Currently the CAA does not intend to issue further guidance for ad-hoc Operation Manual types, instead recommending that Operators move to the template suggested in CAP2606.