Trustworthy Autonomous Systems Hub – Outline Call

UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) invites outline proposals for a coordination Hub for the UKRI Trustworthy Autonomous Systems programme. Up to £11.7 million (at 80% fEC please see here) is available to support one Hub for up to four years, starting from 1 June 2020.

Please note that this is a cross-UKRI programme and it is expected that applications will be multidisciplinary, led by and involving any discipline from across UKRI portfolio.

A two-stage application process will be used in this call. The first stage requires the applicants to submit an outline proposal (please see call document for details), which will be assessed by an external panel with the necessary expertise. The deadline for Hub outline proposals is 16:00 on 12 December 2019. All submissions must be done via Je-S.

Successful outline applicants will be invited to submit a full proposal, and this will be assessed by postal peer review and at an interview stage. The full proposal document and further guidance will be made available on this call page.

UKRI is holding a one-day Town Hall meeting on 18 October 2019 to discuss the details of the activity, explain the planned approach to investment and bring together stakeholders from a broad range of disciplinary backgrounds to build new connections and generate new ideasAttendance to the Town Hall meeting is not a prerequisite to apply for funding, nor will attendance guarantee subsequent funding. For those who could not attend the event, the outputs of the Town Hall meeting will be collated as FAQs and added to this call page as soon as possible after the event.

Please note that the UKRI Trustworthy Autonomous Systems programme will be delivered in two discrete, interconnected parts, the coordination Hub and several research nodes. It is anticipated that the call for the research nodes will be launched in December 2019.